More future for our future

Packaging & Waste
Advertising material
How we work
We want to help tackle climate change. On a planet with finite resources, we set a good example and have anchored sustainability deeply in our corporate structure. Our aspirations: We operate in a resource-conserving manner, act socially and continuously optimize our processes. We want to make a positive difference and create the basis for a future worth living for all future generations.
Join us on our journey to becoming a more sustainable company. Ecological. Social. Economical.

Manufacture. Use. Dispose. We need to rethink, conserve resources and minimize waste. Nature shows us how: Its system consists of cycles. We are taking this example as our starting point.
We put each of our more than 40,000 articles to the test. What processes are involved in manufacturing? What phases does the product go through during use? And how sustainable do we classify it? What sounds simple can be very challenging, such as glass. Quartz sand, the raw material for jars and bottles, is one of the most sought-after raw materials and its production consumes a lot of energy. However, it is an item with a very long service life that can be used several times and also has a high recycling rate.
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Value creation
This is where we stand
We define what sustainability means for our product range. For this we have determined 10 attributes:
- organic material
- health-friendly
- renewable raw material
- resource-friendly
- animal welfare
- environmentally friendly
- recycled material
- recyclable
- energy efficient
- short procurement channels
On the basis of these attributes, we create transparency for our customers about the sustainability of the products we offer.
There we want to go
Customers should be able to see at a glance how sustainable we classify our articles. For this purpose, we display the rating of the goods in our LUSINI online store. Our customers can use a filter function to display specific sustainable products.
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Code of Conduct
This is where we come from.
Several years ago, we integrated compliance management into our corporate culture and developed our Code of Conduct. This Code of Conduct defines a binding guideline for our legally compliant and ethically responsible actions. Towards business partners, the public and in our dealings with each other. We respect human dignity and the personal rights of all. We categorically reject forced labor, child labor, all forms of modern slavery, human trafficking and any form of exploitation. We condemn corruption and bribery. We ensure fair and safe working conditions.
This is where we stand
We only work with suppliers who comply with our LUSINI Code of Conduct. Our own subsidiaries in China and India are close to our manufacturing processes and already pay attention to our Code of Conduct when selecting suppliers on site. In the European procurement markets, our teams ensure compliance with our values and fundamental beliefs.
There we want to go
With neutral audit companies, we will be able to ensure and monitor compliance with our specifications in all manufacturing countries in the future.

Packaging and waste
We need protective packaging to ship our products. What we already do: We reuse materials and products as often as possible. We are constantly optimizing our processes, saving resources and helping to recycle used recyclables. But that is not enough for us. Our goal is a functioning circular economy and thus the greatest possible minimization of waste.
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Waste separation
This is where we stand
We separate our waste. We separate paper/cardboard, sort foils into transparent and colored ones so that they can be recycled more easily and combine routes of our trucks so that we can drive our waste to the collection point independently and avoid empty runs.
There we want to go
In the long term, we want to produce even less waste and use even more reusable packaging.
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Refurbish and Repair
This is where we stand
We do not throw away goods. Rejected, damaged or defective products are checked and repaired if possible.
The specialists in our in-house technical workshop recondition up to 700 electrical items every year.
Goods with slight defects are offered for sale at reduced prices as B-goods via our two local remnant markets.
There we want to go
We want to communicate our technical workshop service more actively to our customers and thus increase the number of remanufactured products.
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This is where we come from.
In the past, we had paid little attention to the use of recyclable packaging materials. We have changed that in 2020.
This is where we stand
Our in-house quality assurance checks the packaging of every product. How much buffer ensures damage-free shipping? What material can be dispensed with? We have already eliminated a lot of unnecessary packaging and, for example, no longer pack cutlery in large containers individually in foil, but in paper.
We take care to avoid unnecessary shipping packaging, while at the same time transporting the goods to our customers safely so that they receive them undamaged. We use the necessary packaging material in the right place to reduce returns or subsequent deliveries. Air-cushioned filling films, which now consist of more than 40 percent recycled materials, also save resources because they are 99 percent air and only one percent material.
There we want to go
We want to package more products in completely recyclable or biodegradable packaging materials. To this end, we are constantly following technical developments and continuously testing more sustainable variants.

Advertising material
Digitization is reducing the demand for printed catalogs. In some European countries, we already do without printed catalogs by 90%. In the near future, however, we will not be able to do without printed advertising media in all our markets and target groups. That is why we are increasingly focusing on sustainability in materials, production, packaging, and shipping for print media.
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Print media
This is where we come from.
In the past, we produced five catalogs per season. For the European market, we produced the main catalog in four variants, with between 150 and 600 pages in a print run of over 4 million copies – of which around 1.5 million copies in Germany alone. This was not very sustainable: the high print run consumed masses of paper and drove up printing costs.
This is where we stand
With the creation of the LUSINI umbrella brand, we reduced the number of individual product brand catalogs and their print runs. For example, we reduced the Europe-wide print run of the main catalog by 80% in the last two years. We also commission only regional printers to reduce transport costs and environmental impact.
There we want to go
We want to further reduce the production of print advertising materials and use distribution in a more targeted manner. Sustainable materials are to be used as far as possible in production.

How we work
Advancing digitalization is promoting the sustainability of our central location in Wertingen, Bavaria. Around 90 percent of our employees now prefer mobile working based on our self-determined Way of Working. The elimination of commuting reduces CO2 emissions and lowers energy consumption and space requirements at the company site. Supplemented by intelligent energy management and sustainable mobility, we are on the right path to becoming a CO2-neutral headquarters.
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Company car
This is where we come from.
Our fleet was 100% equipped with combustion engines. A large number of vehicles were needed to cover many of our employees’ business trips and to equip our field service.
This is where we stand
With the exception of the field fleet, our fleet is company-owned and includes several hybrid cars, electric cars and electric scooters. All of our vehicles are regularly serviced to optimize their lifespan – because we drive them, for as long as possible. In the LUSINI field service, leased vehicles with economical combustion engines are still without alternative due to the high mileage.
There we want to go
With the further development of alternative drives, we want to convert our field service vehicles completely to electric mobility.
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Work route
This is where we come from.
In the past, e-mobility and the associated charging infrastructure were not planned for the LUSINI sites.
This is where we stand
Since most employees at our corporate headquarters work on a mobile basis regardless of location, charging stations for private vehicles are not yet available. In our European branches, which are located in metropolitan regions, the majority of our employees use public transport.
There we want to go
We will install charging stations for e-scooters, e-bikes and e-cars at the LUSINI company headquarters in Wertingen, Bavaria, and offer free charging.

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Home technology
This is where we come from.
100% on-site office work required a high level of technical equipment. Printers, copiers and telephones were standard in our offices. Regular energy audits showed us potential for optimizing resources and costs.
This is where we stand
We save more than 10,000 kilowatt hours of electricity a year at our corporate headquarters. The switch to LED lighting played a major role in this. Desk telephones have been replaced by digital software solutions.
There we want to go
We are continuously driving forward our power-saving strategies. Since many employees work on a mobile basis, we are consolidating offices that are little used and understaffed. At the same time, we are eliminating other electrical equipment that is not being used.
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Paperless office
This is where we come from.
We have been saving paper in our day-to-day office work for some time now. We do not use printouts and correspond digitally. Since November 2021, our employees have been able to choose whether they want to receive their payroll in printed or digital form. This alone already saved more than 1,000 sheets of paper in 2021.
This is where we stand
We use recruiting software through which applications from potential employees reach us exclusively digitally. This process saved more than 80,000 sheets of paper with 1,700 applications over the past six years. By switching to digital invoice management, we were able to make internal invoice entry and processing paperless. Instead of an enclosed paper invoice, we have been sending our customers their invoice by mail since 2015, saving paper and waste.
There we want to go
We want to further digitalize our processes. We will communicate even more digitally with our customers and suppliers and are testing new ways of communication.
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Business trips
This is where we come from.
Business trips were part of our daily business in many departments. This meant many supplier visits or appointments with business partners around the world. Before a digital switchover, many matters could not be resolved digitally.
This is where we stand
Many business trips are now superfluous, as the meeting culture has shifted to the digital space. The same applies to job interviews. Thanks to the shift to digital means of communication, 250 of more than 360 job application appointments per year are now conducted digitally.
There we want to go
We continue to keep business travel to a minimum. Our trade relations extend as far as Asia. A digital meeting with European, Indian and Chinese colleagues and partners quickly saves a significant amount of CO2 emissions.